Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Your Grace Still Amazes Me

I used to sing this song alot by request called "Your Grace Still Amazes Me."  It is a song made popular by Philips, Craig, & Dean.  And the whole of the song is very true...God's grace still amazes me.  It is deeper, high, longer, wider, and stronger than we can ever know.  In fact, without the Spirit of God within you to reveal it to you, you are really actually unable to comprehend it.  That is why the Apostle Paul wrote to the Church in Ephesus (Ephesian 1:17-19 & 3:14-19) about praying for these believers that they would be able to live, love, and see the amazing grace that only God can give.  Now these guys were mostly already saved, believing in Jesus as the Son of God...Christians.  But it just shows that even way back when, people could lose sight of how huge grace really is.

It has been raining every night this week since Sunday in the Arizona high desert.  Even in a place so filled with dryness, God chooses to shower mercy through rain to bring the desert floor to life and revive the creatures here.  But that is just in the matter of His Creation.  I also think about all the hearts that have been stirred beyond themselves to reach out to the people of Haiti.  To love and give to people they do not know and that some will never even meet.  I can't help but think how amazing that grace is and that it normally would not occur.  God has used this tragedy to bring new life to so many.  I pray to be a part of this effort even more in the future.

Maybe, you don't know about God's amazing grace, but this one thing i do know.  It has taken effect on me as it has on so many others.  The Scripture actually speaks about grace being something that changes us.  1 Corinthians 15:10 is where we see this revealed.  Grace that has an effect on life...that is exactly why God's grace is so incredibly, immeasurably, irreplaceably, irresistibly... Amazing.

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