Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Iron on Iron

A wise man was inspired by God to write a proverb that says... "as iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Proverbs 27:17)  When I read this i think about the friction and reaction of the iron on the iron.  It really can't be comfortable for one iron or the other.  But the outcome is that each blade becomes more useful as the tool it was made to be.  It is a beautiful thing how God inspired someone to write this deep and practical truth.  All of us are meant to be instruments of nobility & usefulness (2 Timothy 2:21), righteousness (Romans 6:26), truth (Proverbs 14:25), and grace (Acts 20:24).

But without another iron to sharpen against, we ourselves get really dull (I mean that both in the boring sense and the unable to serve sense).  I really don't want to be dull.  So I'm so very thankful for the people in my life that God uses to sharpen me, and that i hopefully help sharpen in return.  Those that encourage me, that correct me, and that pray for me.  Relationships with others were never meant to be taken for granted.  That is why God gives us Himself, our families, our friends, and His church to nurture us to be all He intended.

Pastors, teachers, leaders, servants, and people of all places...you can't do it alone without getting dull.  Learn to live and love the people that God placed to sharpen you, and return the investment to sharpen them in turn.  And may we all become more like the instruments that give glory to God who loves us.  Thank you, my King, Jesus Christ, for loving me and sending your Holy Spirit to walk with me and sharpen me.

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