Thursday, January 28, 2010

Prayer for the church...

God, I know that your bride, the church, is something you love very much.  Every soul that comes to know salvation in your Son, Jesus Christ is automatically adopted into this graceful family.  It is only by the power, grace, and gift of Jesus on the Cross and being raised from the grave that I or any other person is able to enter in.  I'm thankful that this grace is unlimited to all that call on Your name and believe. (Romans 10:9-10 / Acts 16:31)  And you have set your church up in such a way that the gates of hell will not prevail against us.

But God, I pray for revival of life in Your church.  May people and especially believers be reminded of the refreshing life that only You can give.

God, I pray for truth in Your church.  Remind us that You are Truth and only You provide the truth for the answers our heart is searching for.  Make us hunger and thirst for seeking it.  Help our lives reflect it without deceit.

God, I pray for mercy in Your church.  Let mercy and compassion reign in the life of your people.  May we lift up those who hurt among us and seek to carry love to barren places.

God, I pray for power in Your church.  You have promised power when we are Your witnesses.  May your church be an unstoppable force to be reckoned with and may we move in the Presence of Your Holy Spirit in such a way, that people are reminded of Your power.

God, I pray for Your Glory in Your Church.  Remind us that although we a part of the Kingdom of God...It is still Your Kingdom.  Help us not to neglect this.  The local church is an outpost for Your Kingdom in this world... may the integrity in our lives serve as great ambassadors for your ministry of reconcilliation to others.  And as ambassadors, remind us that we are not competitors, but to like you seek those who were lost...and with You...can & will be found.

God, I pray for sincere worship in Your church.  You are our One and First Love.  Let us live as such.

God, I know that all of this You already know.  I just pray that our heart, our words, and our deeds match what You desire for Your church.

Thank You for grace and for how it leads me to desire more in life for Your Name.  May people see Jesus in my life and in the life of the church.

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