Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What it Do?

Original Post Date July, 2009 from my myspace account:

Well, what it do?  
It's a funny statement don't you think... I know I do.  Yet, I ask this question often about things placed in front of me... especially car parts...but I'm learning.  Anyway, many times we have to know what it does before we'll ever trust it.  I can honestly understand this because it is only natural for us to think like this.  And many times, we can figure out exactly what is going to happen or how it is going to function.  
There are only two places in life that I think we can never truly narrow this question down and always know...  I believe that the will of God is so able to be understood... and yet not.  He gives us clear direction and guidance through the Scriptures about His will, and yet, he personally will sometimes do things in our lives or show us things that are beyond comprehension.  
Like in my life, i sometimes understand His grace and forgiveness for the times my integrity has not been as solid as it should be.  It is hard for me to grasp why He would forgive me... but then to bless me more than I can possibly ask or imagine... I know that is Scriptures promise... but it blows my mind and melts my heart and moves my soul.  God is great, but sometimes we lose sight of how great and marvelous He is.  It reminds me of all the things that i have taken for granted.  
So i guess the second place that is unsearchable is the human heart in the hand of an intimate God... you'll never fully know how just a true moment with Jesus can intersect us and move us in ways and to places that just don't seem normal.  So what it do?  sometimes I don't know... but i enjoy the adventure of how He does all these things.  Peace my friends.

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